Our teas lean on varying combinations and levels of our team of trip companions. For example, Calm is more heavy on the l-theanine for a lower anxiety experience. Learn more information about our signature blend, Calm!

Why Use Tea?

The main reason to use a tea (a.k.a. Hot Water Extraction) is so you do not have to ingest dried material. Eating whole slows the process down, which can lead to anxiety and confusion and forces your body to first rehydrate the dehydrated material, and then break down the tough walls which are made of a fibrous substance consisting of polysaccharides called chitin.

This not only delays the onset but also stretches it out over what can sometimes be multiple hours, adding to “come-up” anxiety. This can be especially scary for first timers, feeling like this sensation is continuing to get stronger and stronger. On the flip side, this can also lead to accidentally taking too much thinking you didn’t take enough to get the full experience with just the first dose. Then when it hits…

Using a tea requires less active ingredient to get the same effect (compared to eating them whole). The increased surface area created when grinding/cutting up allows for much more extraction when brewed and doing the double brew ensures you are extracting all of the the ingredient.  

Making two brews with your bag(s) gives you time to get into the right mindset and prepare for your upcoming journey. This also allows time to address the need for a proper set and setting for your upcoming journey. Take this opportunity to meditate to clear your head or even clean up your house prior to departure.

The ritual this creates is a good way to set your intention for the trip while you wait for your tea to brew.

Check out our Brew instructions and video HERE to brew your best mushroom tea, and have your best trip ever!